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Group Peer Support

Grow alongside other caregivers

Caregiving can be lonely and isolating. Sometimes, you get frustrated, angry, hopeless, or lost. At times like these, being told what to do by an "expert" can make you feel like the good things you do don't matter.

Group Peer Support (GPS) is a chance to learn, grow, vent, and grieve with other people going through the caregiving process. Instead of advice, you'll get a chance to speak, reflect, and hear what challenges others in your community are having.

Every GPS group follows a consistent format so you always know what to expect!

  • Welcome everyone to group

  • Mindfulness as an opportunity to ground and reflect

  • Guidelines are always reviewed as they set the stage for safety and vulnerability: 

    • Confidentiality

    • Listen with respect, non- judgment, and compassion

    • Advice-free zone

    • Interruption-free zone

    • Strong Emotions are welcome

    • Self care is prioritized

  • Check-in questions are posed and each person gets a chance to speak

  • Facilitators may offer reflection or may offer additional check in or information as time allows

  • Closing then offers another chance for grounding and mindfulness as we end group


These free groups are open to all members of the Douglas County community and meet regularly. Our facilitators are working to make the format as accessible and low-barrier as possible. If you'd like to sign up, please let us know using the link below, and we'll get you all the information you need to get started!

Networking Event
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